Each security checkpoint is subject to a unique set of changing KPIs. An ongoing challenge exists to achieve the most beneficial form of operation. Continuously monitoring the checkpoint process should in the end safeguard the operational success of a chosen solution path. Point FWD helps the security stakeholder achieve confidence over its deployment and maximize utilization.
We provide services in the direction of:
Continuous Security Process Optimisation
Equipment Service and Support
Continuous Security Process Optimisation
We follow a cyclic approach to security process enhancement. It starts by having a comprehensive baseline situation to spot bottlenecks and identify enhancements. Only then experiments could be initiated and measured succesfully.
Define a robust process improvement methodology
Continous monitoring of checkpoint performance
Maintain a well balanced checkpoint ecosystem
Security process dashboarding
Security systems data integration
Guidance on continous CONOPs improvement
Equipment Service and Support
Adaption of products after implementation is fully dependent on the quality of service and support. Service and support acts as the connecting dot in maximizing equipment utilization. Our service and support on-site is, at the same time, a direct opportunity for spotting optimisation potential in current security processes.
Technical end-user training
Obtain and maintain robust maintenance planning
Reliable service and support organization
On-site support and stakeholder coordination
Setup of preventive maintenance programs
Provide dedicated support for continuous improvement
Continuous support for end-user satisfaction
Relevant checkpoint optimisation Client Cases
Relevant checkpoint optimisation Insights